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The latest version of TAGS has been released!


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Expand List item 1727Collapse List item 1727  AOMSW has been released!


This publication consolidates the Services’ best tactics, techniques, and procedures for missions involving air assets conducting maritime surface warfare (SUW). The objective is to enable seamless integration of joint air assets conducting maritime SUW. This publication lays the foundation for integrating forces in either preplanned or dynamic scenarios and strives to simplify “plug and play” interoperability.

Expand List item 1726Collapse List item 1726  TAGS has been released!


This publication describes how each of the Service component’s systems operate within the Theater Air Ground System (TAGS) which is a conglomeration of systems. For this publication, TAGS refers to the organizations, personnel, equipment, and procedures that participate in planning and executing air-ground operations. 

Expand List item 1728Collapse List item 1728  Upcoming TCO Working group

TCO Working Scheduled for 28-30 May

ALSSA is a multi-Service organization established by the doctrine centers to develop tactical-level solutions of multi-Service interoperability issues consistent with Joint and Service doctrine.


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