Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for
Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)

February 2021

Corresponding Service Publication Numbers
USA - ATP 3-28.1
USMC - MCRP 3-30.6
USN - NTTP 3-57.2
USAF - AFTTP 3-2.67
USCG - CGTTP 3-57.1

Description: This publication sets forth MTTP at the tactical level to assist the military planner, commander, and Service forces in employing military resources in response to domestic emergencies in accordance with US law.

Public Release

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MTTP History

MTTP History

 2022 November Request for Feedback
 2021 February Published
 2020 September Command Approval Package
 2019 April World Wide Review
 2018 March Request for Feedback
 2015 September Published
 2015 June Command Approval Package
 2014 October World Wide Review
 2014 July Working Group 2
 2014 June Working Group 1
 2014 April Program Approval Package
 2014 February Request for Feedback
 2012 July Published
 2007 December Published (Civil Support)