Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces Integration, Interoperability, and Interdependence

January 2022

Corresponding Service Publication Numbers
USA - FM 6-05
USMC - MCRP 3-30.4
USN - NTTP 3-05.19
USAF - AFTTP 3-2.73
SOCOM - Pub 3-33

Description: This publication provides joint force operational and tactical commanders and staffs with planning guidance concerning missions, requirements, and capabilities of CF and SOF and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) to effectively integrate operations across the competition continuum.

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MTTP History

MTTP History

 2024 July  Request for Feedback
 2022 January Published
 2021 August Command Approval Package
 2020 October Worldwide Review
 2020 June Working Group 1
 2020 April Program Approval Package
 2020 January Request for Feedback
 2018 April  Published
 2017 November  Command Approval Package - Revised
 2017 May  Command Approval Package
 2016 September  Worldwide Review
 2016 June  Working Group 2
 2016 April  Working Group 1
 2016 January  Program Approval Package
 2015 November  Request for Feedback
 2014 March  Published
 2010 March  Published
 2007  New Project Initiated




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