Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Air-to-Surface Radar Employment

September 2023

Corresponding Service Publication Numbers
USA - ATP 3-55.6
USMC - MCRP 2-10A.4
USN - NTTP 3-55.13
USAF - AFTTP 3-2.2

Description: This publication provides procedures for employing air-to-surface radar systems, in the joint operations area, to detect targets, support intelligence production, and coordinate attack or reconnaissance on those targets.

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MTTP History

MTTP History

 2023 September Published
 2023 August Pending Publishing
 2022 December Command Approval Package
 2022 July Worldwide Review
 2022 April Joint Working Group 2
 2022 March Joint Working Group 1
 2022 January Project Approval package
 2021 September Request for Feedback
 2019 October Published
 2019 August Command Approval package
 2018 July Worldwide Review
 2018 April Project Approval Package
 2018 January Request for Feedback
 2015 September Published
 2012 October Published (as ATCARS -- Airborne Target Coordination and Attack Radar Systems)
 2006 November Published (as JSTARS -- Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System)
 2003 March Published (as JSTARS -- Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System)
 1996 July Published (as Joint STARS -- Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System)




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