Operation Assessment

Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Operation Assessment

February 2020

Corresponding Service Publication Numbers
USA - ATP 5-0.3
USMC - MCRP 5-10.1
USN - NTTP 5-01.3
USAF - AFTTP 3-2.87

Description: ​This publication serves as a commander and staff guide for integrating assessments into the planning and operations processes for operations conducted at any point along the range of military operations. It provides operation assessment how-to techniques and procedures which complement current joint and Service doctrine.

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MTTP History

MTTP History

 2024 May Request for Feedback
 2020 February Published
 2019 October Command Approval Package
 2018 January Project Approval Package
 2017 Request for Feedback
 2015 August  Published
   New Project Initiated


Operation Assessment