Jan. 14, 2022
INTRANET/INTERNET Technology and the Warfighting “A New Concept for the JFACC, the AOC, and CTAPS”
Intranet/internet is exploding as a technology. It's in the daily news; people discuss it frequently; every person is becoming familiar with the technology, and we are using the internet in greater numbers every day. Can this technology be used in an operation where large amounts of information need to get to many organizations across different operating systems with diverse computer languages and varied operating systems? The answer is an overwhelming yes! Currently, the military uses the Contingency Theater Advanced Planning System (CTAPS) to support the joint forces air component commander (JFACC) and many other systems. The computer requirements are more detailed in a later section. The numbers of the required systems, still to buy, to equip, and then train all organizations to use the equipment represents a considerable cost in money and time.