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July 1, 2023

5G & Edge Computing: The Future of the DoD and JADC2

In December 2020, the Secretary of Defense published the “Department of Defense 5G Strategy Implementation Plan.” Within it, the Department of Defense (DoD) describes the importance of integrating 5G and edge computing into military operations, primarily for its higher performance, data-driven applications, and machine-to-machine communication. The strategy provides a baseline roadmap for development, experimentation, and prototyping 5G capabilities while ensuring the DoD will facilitate the advancement and adoption of 5G technology. This plan stresses the importance and emerging capabilities of the technology as well as on-going efforts with endless possibilities for implementation. However, 5G and edge computing can achieve much more. It is key to the military’s concept of Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) by greatly improving areas of command and control (C2), logistics, future weapon capabilities, and implementation into large scale combat operations.

Feb. 1, 2023

The Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Liaison Officer: A Critical Intelligence Node in Agile Combat Operations

This article offers observations in conceptual and practical employment of ISRLOs in an expeditionary capacity whether in support of the USAF or its sister components. It can be leveraged by MAJCOM and COCOM operations and intelligence staffs to identify appropriate emplacement and requests for forces, as well as apprise sister services of ISRLO capabilities, placement, and access.

Jan. 1, 2023

Intermediate Objectives and Incremental Behavior Change: Relooking a Current Paradigm for DOD Foreign Influence Efforts

In operations around the world, the Department of Defense (DOD) relies upon a simplistic approach to influence foreign individuals and groups to achieve U.S. military objectives—suppress a current negative behavior while simultaneously eliciting a new positive behavior. Consequently, current Joint and Service doctrine addresses the shifting of a selected individual or group from an undesired behavior to what is frequently a polar opposite desired behavior. The failure to address the required intermediate steps between the opposing behaviors is a significant gap that particularly affects operational planning and assessment.

Dec. 1, 2022

Democratizing Airpower: Air Mobility’s Role in Joint Fires

The Air Force (AF) has recently codified changes to regulations that pave the way for the agile and dynamic air mobility operations we will need in the future. Authority to approve and control airland operations, however, remains nested in a small, specialized career field of Airmen. With the right training, tools, and authorities, joint and coalition warfighters could fulfill these duties, enabling unprecedented global access and maneuver.

Oct. 15, 2022


There are many similarities and many differences between the military and private sector. Leading is a necessity in both. The leadership traits and principles we were taught early in our careers are still carried with us today and they would serve us well anywhere.

Oct. 1, 2022

The Use of Emerging Disruptive Technologies by the Russian Armed Forces in the Ukrainian War

The Russian Ministry of Defence, on 18 March 2022, reported that Russian forces had used Kinzhal hypersonic missiles and destroyed an underground depot for missiles and aviation ammunition in the village of Delyatina in Western Ukraine. US officials also confirmed the use of hypersonic missiles . According to US officials, the launch aimed to test weapons and send a message to the West about Russia's military capabilities. This article discusses available Russian hypersonic missiles and reviews other Russian military capabilities used in military operations in Ukraine that potentially use emerging disruptive technologies.

Sept. 15, 2022

Improved Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations for the Hurricane Season

Everyone remembers helicopters over New Orleans last September conducting search and rescue (SAR) in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Just like 9/11, we have these images firmly ingrained in our minds as US Coast Guard- (USCG), National Guard-, and USNORTHCOM assigned helicopters accomplished the largest response to a natural disaster in American history. Although it was a heroic effort by all involved, there is room to improve effectiveness and efficiency by further integrating operations.

Sept. 1, 2022

Fortior Simul – Stronger Together

Problem Statement: China's vice-like actions to expand its sphere of influence require an Asian security pact modeled after Europe's North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). For years, China has been engaging in malicious activities in the INDOPACOM AOR to disrupt the West and establish regional dominance in Asia. China is systematically isolating and exploiting minor countries in the region through economic influence, the "One-Belt, One Road" initiative, FONO (Freedom of Navigation and Overflight) denial, territorial waters and island disputes, and active space and cyberspace campaign. Why is this occurring, and what can stop it? The minor countries in the AOR cannot oppose the Chinese as individual nations; therefore, they must establish a robust security pact, like Europe's NATO.

Aug. 15, 2022


Originally published November 1995. Joint targeting has long been a problem with limited answers. Anyone that has worked the issues of the air tasking order (ATO), integrated targeting order (ITO), or coordination of joint fires knows the frustration of manual charts, floppy disk transfers, and long phone calls. Soon we will have one of the answers to this complex problem.

Aug. 1, 2022


The U.S. National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and National Military Strategy identify ‘Strengthening Alliances and Partnerships’ as vital to meeting national and military strategic objectives. As events unfold in Ukraine demonstrate, this strengthening of alliances and partnerships is just as important today (if not more) than in recent history.